Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - fit2fitnessworld

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)


Coronavirus ,  which we also know as Covid 19, is a disease that spreads from one person to another. This virus is so dangerous that the life of a human being spreads, this virus spreads very fast from one person to another. WHO SAYS
It is a kind of pandemic disease that no vaccine or medicine has been made so far.
Coronavirus is not sure whether he started spreading from Wuhan city in china, no one says that Wuhan is from non veg market or bats from Spread.

Symptom of corona virus

Its symptoms show in 3 to 14.
• If you have a cold, dry cough, fever.
• Body aches and most painful thing.
• Difficulty in taking mother-in-law
• Loss of taste and smell is excessive.

Ways to avoid Coronavirus

• Periodically washing hands for 20 seconds.
• Create social distancing
• Eat a post diet so that your immunity
• Do yoga or exercise.

When is the need for hospitalization?

A person needs to be admitted to the hospital when the person has to face more difficulty in breathing, then it is necessary to recruit him.

How dangerous is Coronavirus?

The number of humans infected with corona virus is increasing day by day and the number of people who die from this virus is also very high.

Let us know which counties have far infected me and the statistics of dying.

Come, how far the number of deaths and statistics in which county

Infected number 
Die number.
South Korea

The World Health Organization has also released information about ways to take precaution for the people.

Upon seeing signs of infection, the person should contact their local healthcare officer or employee. Those who have come in contact with the corona virus infected person in the past will be investigated.

All the patients arriving at the hospital who have symptoms of flu (cold cold and shortness of breath) will be examined by the Health Service Officer.

You have to wait until the test results are out and give yourself to others

The Ministry of Health has issued an advisory on social distancing to prevent the spread of corona virus.

Why social distancing is important?

When someone infected with the corona virus coughs or sneezes, very fine particles of their spit are spread in the air. These particles contain viruses of the corona virus.

These viral particles can enter your body by way of breath when approaching an infected person. If you touch a place where these particles have fallen and then touch your eye, nose or mouth with the same hand, then these particles reach your body.


Written by Admin

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