Benefits of honey how to use honey & how to find original honey - fit2fitnessworld

Benefits of honey how to use honey & how to find original honey

Benefits, Side Effects And Uses

The use of honey has been in use since ancient times and the benefits of honey are also prominently mentioned in Ayurveda. For your information, let us tell you that honey is a liquid made by bees from the juice of flowers.It is prepared by bees after a long process in several stages. Honey has got the status of a medicine in Ayurveda and now people all over the world have started using honey for sweetness as well. Many scientific research done on honey in the last few decades confirms its properties as mentioned in Ayurveda.

Nutrients found in honey

Honey is a storehouse of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Fructose is mainly found in honey. Apart from this, carbohydrates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, vitamin C and amino acids are also found in it. One teaspoon (21 grams) of honey contains about 64 calories and 17 grams of sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose). Honey does not contain fat, fiber and protein at all. 

Medicinal properties of honey

Talking about the medicinal properties of honey, it is considered useful in the treatment of countless diseases. This is the reason why honey has been considered a medicine since ancient times. In today's time, mainly people use honey to improve skin, keep digestion right, increase immunity power, reduce weight etc. Apart from this, honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, due to which it is very effective in healing wounds or providing quick relief from injury.

Benefits of honey

  • Benefits of honey for cough 

If your cough is not getting better for several days, then you can use honey. It is an effective home medicine to get relief from cough. The antibacterial properties present in honey prevent the infection from progressing further, as well as it dilutes the phlegm, which allows the phlegm to come out easily. Especially those who are troubled by dry cough, they get quick relief from honey.

  • On cutting or burning (Benefits of honey for burn and cut )

Using honey is very beneficial even when the skin is cut or burnt. The antiseptic properties present in honey heal the burnt area quickly and also protect the skin from infection.

Method of use: If your skin has a slight scratch or a minor burn, apply honey on that part. It reduces the irritation and prevents infection in that area.

  • Helpful in reducing weight (uses of honey for weight loss )

If you are troubled by increasing weight or obesity, then you can reduce your weight by consuming honey. For your information, let us tell you that there is no fat in honey at all. Along with controlling weight, it also lowers the cholesterol level of the body. Therefore, consume honey regularly.

Consumption method: Take a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a spoonful of honey every morning on an empty stomach. Do not eat anything for half an hour after drinking it. you in this mix

How to find original Honey

How To Check If Your Honey Is Pure Or Adulterated

Test honey with warm water

The purity of honey can be checked through hot water. Take a glass of warm water, add a spoonful of honey to it. If honey goes and sits in the bottom of the glass under water, then know that your honey is real, if honey dissolves easily in water then it means that honey has been adulterated

Buy Original Honey Here ⇒⇒⇒ Go to amazon 


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